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Lately, thanks to the “Toomey case”, the combination of CrossFit and pregnancy has become a topic of discussion for many, even for those who had never thought about it before.

So, thanks to the media exposure that the multiple world champion of CrossFit is rightly exposed to, even those who have no idea what really happens inside a woman's body in those nine months, watching her recent pre-birth videos, turned up their noses a bit and thought: "ouch, that's a bit too much!"

But is it really too much? What do we know about what a pregnant woman can and cannot do?

What do we know about the real dangers of doing certain exercises, or rather, can there be real dangers?

Let's clarify things together starting from a premise: taking Tia Toomey as an example to talk about what can be done during pregnancy is like talking about the road performance of a car taking as an example the Ferrari racing car; in short, if you have a Panda as a car, without taking anything away, the discussion cannot be the same.

I would say that we ALL agree that she is an athlete of an absolutely exceptional level and with abilities that, at the moment, can only be recognized as hers.

So, starting from this assumption, the answer to the first question is implicit: it is undoubted that for
We common “Pandas” with big bellies find it UNTHINKABLE and probably dangerous to manage those intensities, those loads and those volumes, but in all likelihood, for her they are smaller percentages than those she is used to managing and in which she finds herself absolutely comfortable.

Furthermore, I personally want to underline the fact that on social media we see one percent of what his real training routine is, so you understand that it is really difficult to realize what his precautions were during this delicate period.

The only things I'm sure of are that:
1 Only she can do those performances during pregnancy
2 Being an athlete is his job and this means that the weight of benefits vs. risks in his scale is absolutely different from ours.
3 As a mother, I am sure that even though it may seem “too much” to us, she has put her daughter’s safety first in making her decisions.

But let's get back to talking about us VERY STRONG PANDAS, who after all are still great machines, do we run any risks by continuing to train with CrossFit despite our pregnant condition?

The answer is: if done consciously it is very difficult, but in any case it is strictly subjective!
In fact, what we can and cannot do depends on several factors, first of all what type of pregnancy I have.

Is it physiological? Does it have any problems? What level of fitness are we starting from? What are the sensations?
what do I have in moving? Etc etc..
I could last until tomorrow! Well, it's clear that you can't have any
rules that work for every woman. Now, you will rightly ask: "Are there things that, without a shadow of a doubt, are not recommended during pregnancy?"
The answer is “yes, of course”, but to find out more you will have to wait until the next one.  chapter.

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Are we at risk by continuing to train CrossFit despite our pregnancy?

The answer is: if done consciously it is very difficult, but in any case it is strictly subjective!
In fact, what we can and cannot do depends on several factors, first of all what type of pregnancy I have.

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